Learn At Home!
Learn about instruments, composers, music, and even how to conduct from the comfort of your home!


Opera for Kids with Ashley!

Learn about kid friendly operas with soprano Ashley Becker!

Have you ever wondered what operas would be fun for the whole family? Our soloist Ashley Becker shares her kid friendly opera recommendations:

Did you know you can stream opera to your home through the NY Metropolitan Opera?

Click here to check out more Learn At Home activities!

You Can Help Keep the Music Going!

If you enjoy our weekly activities, please consider a donation to the BSO. The BSO does over 90 in-school performances each year, reaching thousands of students throughout Whatcom County.


Whatcom Arts Project

The BSO is a proud participant and a founding member of the new Whatcom Arts Project, a group of over 30 community arts nonprofits. The goal of the Whatcom Arts Project is to reach our community during this time of need to provide hope, entertainment, learning opportunities, and a sense of togetherness. Each week during the pandemic, the BSO posted learning activities and videos on our website and to social media as part of the Whatcom Arts Project.

To learn more about the Whatcom Arts Project and home friendly activities in our area, please visit: www.facebook.com/WhatcomArtsProject/ or https://www.bellingham.org/whatcom-arts-project/.